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  • amyplotch

Visas have arrived!

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

On a dreary December day, we made a rare pandemic visit to Manhattan to apply for our visas at the Korean Consulate on Park Avenue. We now have visas, plane tickets, an apartment on top of the international students dorm at Sogang University in the heart of Seoul. We leave on February 7. On February 8 we begin our two week quarantine. Then we are free to explore an amazing city and a country that has found ways to keep the pandemic under control.

The sad part is saying goodbye to our family and friends. This blog is one way to stay in touch. Please read and share your comments. I am excited to share the experience with you. We will be back in December.

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Alex Mirescu
Alex Mirescu
Feb 16, 2021

What a pleasure and laugh to read of your covid19 travails. This could and should easily be made into a short-film.


Feb 10, 2021

You guys are hysterical.


Feb 07, 2021

I'm looking forward to following and accompanying Amy on her great adventure.


Feb 06, 2021

좋은 여행 되세요 Google says this means bon voyage. Much love to you both. We look forward to your return. Cheers!

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